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Business Value Assessments

Thoroughly vetted objective assessments of the value of your business.


Our Business Value Assessment services are designed and executed with one goal in mind – to provide an objective opinion of the value of the business as a going concern. We use accepted criteria and Graphic Arts Advisors research on industry trends and comparable transactions.

During our assessment, the Graphic Arts Advisors’ team takes into account a critically important asset that is not on the balance sheet: the strategic value of your customers, brand equity and future prospects.

Our business value assessment is a valuable tool for:

  • Owners, senior managers, and boards considering a corporate transaction, planning for the future.

  • Leadership teams seeking an objective opinion of the current M&A market value of their company or division.

  • Companies seeking capital.

  • Organizations considering an acquisition looking for an independent assessment of the target company as part of their negotiation strategy and eventual offer.

  • Owners considering selling their company to correlate their expectations with a realistic market value range.

  • Companies considering a merger to have in hand as an objective analysis of the respective value of the merger partners. This helps to determine the resultant share of each owner’s post-merger interest in the combined company.

  • A family business looking to develop succession and sophisticated tax and estate planning.

A formal certified valuation may be required in instances involving litigation, tax matters, financing, or personal matters such as divorce or partnership dissolution. A senior partner at Graphic Arts Advisors will discuss your situation and needs in advance to determine the appropriate service level for your purposes.

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Get the Latest Copy of  The Target Report

Graphic Arts Advisors publishes The Target Report to provide an overview for buyers and sellers of businesses in the changing and evolving printing, packaging, mailing, marketing technology, brand management and related industries.

What We Do

Advisory services related to purchase or sale of business

Sell-side outreach and representation

Buy-side search for acquisition candidates

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